(507) 6614 8191

DAY 1. Arrival to Panama
Upon arrival to Tocumen International Airport, you will be greeted by a PanamaGreat Adventures representative and transferred to your hotel in Panama City.
Meals (D)
Lodging (Hotel Radisson Summit or similar)
DAY 2. Metropolitan Natural Park & Bio Museo
Despite of being very urbanized and densely populated, Panama City still offers great wildlife observation opportunities right within the city limits. Geoffrey’s Tamarin, Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth and Green Iguanas are among the regular residents of the park.
Then, after lunch... the Biodiversity Museum: Panama Bridge of Life (also known as Biomuseo), contain 8 exhibitions that will mainly revolve around the origin of the Panamanian isthmus and its gigantic impact on the planet’s biodiversity. These exhibitions will be mainly led by the Smithsonian and the University of Panama.The building silhouette is the usual unusual Frank Gehry design, however unlike most of his designs, each panel is painted a different bright color. The reason for the bright colors were said to express its tropical location.
Meals (B-L-D)
Lodging (Hotel Radisson Summit or similar)
DAY 3. Panama Rianforest Discovery Center
Soberania National Park is perhaps the most accessible lowland neotropical rainforest in the world. Howler Monkeys, White-nosed Coatis, Trogons and Toucans! The park host a bounty of life awaiting for visitors to find it on the dense lush jungle.
Meals (B-D)
Lodging (Hotel Radisson Summit or similar)
DAY 4. Canal Waters Boat Ride & Embera Community
Early morning pick up and transfer to Gamboa Town, aprox. 15 minutes away from Radisson Summit. Once here, you will board a boat to begin with a nature adventure that will include spotting Snail Kites, Ospreys, monkeys, iguanas, crocodiles and more.
The scenery for this adventure is the world's most famous manmade lake, Gatun, constructed between 1906 -1914 to make the Panama Canal a dream come true. Therefore, you will also experience navigating along with huge cargo ships on their journey through the Panama Canal.
Now we will continue on by land to Rio Gatun where you will board a motorized dugout canoe and travel up to the Embera Indigenous Village.
Once at the Embera village, you will be greeted with a brief explanation of their history and traditions, a performance of tribal dances, drums, and the Embera traditional lunch. You will learn about their relationship with nature, their handcrafts will be available for purchase, and you will also be able to experience having your body painted with the traditional “jagua”, a natural dye used by the village members to adorn their bodies.
After an adventure day we are ready to experience a Private Reserve where we will spend the night.
Meals (B-L-D)
Lodging (Private Reserve or similar)
DAY 5. Private Reserve & Bocas del Toro
Early morning will listen to the cacofony of calls that awake the owner of Sierra Llorona Private Reserve: from the croacking call of the toucans to the sharp and hizzing call of the jacamar or the loud roar of the howler monkeys. The early morning is the best time to enjoy this daiy show. Will walk the nearby trails searching for the ground duelers: frogs, insects and lizards. They are plentifull and even some of them are unique to this area, like the endemic Atelopus limosus frogs.
After lunch will drive to the local airport to fly the very western end of the country to one of Panama wild corners: The archipelago of "Bocas del Toro.
Once we check in will have a free afternoon to discover at our own pace this slow paced caribbean town.
Meals (B-L-D)
Lodging (Hotel Bahia or similar)
DAY 6. Bastimentos Marine National Park
The Ngabe people welcomed Cristopher Columbus to this archipelago in 1502. Aldo it was one of the first places in Tropical America to be visited ever, the thickness of this jungles, lush, deep green and always growing, inhibited any settlemen until the late XIX. Today the Ngabe people welcome visitors and share with them the secrets of this rainforest.
During the morning will visit the indigenous community of Salt Creek, where will get walk their orchards with no boundries: its is difficult to tell what is garden and what is rainforest. The Yubukle Trail will help us discover this evergreen moist rainforest and its inhabitans: The manakin birds, the poison dart frogs, sloths, owls, lizards and many other species who make this rainforest their home.
The afternoon will be used to discover the tiny flat isles of Zapatillas. The rich coral reef, the ponds in the isla and the lagoons around the island will give us a chance to discover more of the wildlife of this unique archipelago. Snorkeling or walking, Zapatilla Cays always offer great scenary, wildlife and learnings.
Meals (B-L-D)
Lodging (Hotel Bahia or similar)
DAY 7. Snyder Channel
The first isle that Columbu saw in 1502 had the shape of a bull laying with its mouth open, acording to his chronicles. That rock gave origin to the name of this area, Bocas del Toro. What Cristopher Columbus never knew was that the rock is home to one of the sexiest birds in the caribbean: The Red-billed Tropicbird.
Early morning will visit this cay, known today as "Birds Island" due to the colony of several species of marine birds.
Later on will navigate the silent and still waters of the Snyder Canal: the last remanents of a channel dog out to move bananas from the first plantations to the Island fo Bocas to ship them overseas. Today the Channel, abandoned for more thatn a centery, offers great views of raphia palm tree swamps, mangroves and other interesting freshwaters ecosystems were turtles, basilisks lizard, monkeys, hawks, crocodiles and herons are founds.
Meals (B-D)
Lodging (Hotel Bahia or similar)
DAY 8. Free Morning + Fly Back To Panama City
Meals (B-D)
Lodging (Hotel Country Amador or similar)
DAY 9. Departure
Transfer to Tocumen Int. Airport.
Meals (B)